Monday, March 23, 2009

Makin and Movin

I am moving again! Whoo! It's tiring! I was making a few new things before I started moving. Those two beauties right there. Supersigh. My stuff is so much cuter in person. They will both me on sale on my etsy. Buy em.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Falling off the wagon into the realm of a bad sleep schedule

Bah. After all that "I am bein' good!" talk, I have been totally lazy the last two days. Okay, not even lazy, completely exhausted. I tried to stay up all day and all night on Friday to Saturday and well, that totally messed me up worse than ever! I am the reigning queen of fatigue. I tried to sew some this morning but alas...I am missing a lot of fabric. In the moving debacle, big giant boxes of things have been misplaced. Mainly, my favourite fabric box. How can I finish a sassy-quatch without my light brown scraps!? No way , that's how. Dangatude! I want to go back to sleep. I wish it was going to be in my old fort up there. Well, haha not in a dorm room though. Yikes.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


For awhile, I was not being too good, but lately I have been doing much better! I have a strange small feeling of well being, like being on the right track. I haven't made enough things, but I did start some projects and I have been an organizing cleaning demon of sorts, which is important to me. Hah. If you know me, then you know this a battle I have been fight my entire life. Cleaning hangs over me like fifty two daggers ready to stab out my eyeballs. I even like cleaning to a degree, its just I have so much stuff in a very small room..I can't spread it out so I feel like I can't use it. Does that make sense?
Anyhow, back to being good! I have been reading (The Education of Little Tree, loved it) and drawing a good bit! Yay! Woo!
I found that castle at a Goodwill a while back, it was so cheap and its very very cool. I wish I had taken a photo of the side where there is "stained glass window" of a knight with a very cutesy pink dragon and they are pretty lovey! It makes me super happy indeedo.
I am sad to see all the Goodwills around here have no toys or children's books due to the lead debacle. I thought the new rules didn't apply to thrift and consignment...but anyhow, I heard that they are just throwing away all the donations. I would dumpster dive that shit up right but I am afraid. Haha. What a baby. Like I need anymore toys! Oh well, I just don't want them in the garbage! How sad for the dolls and animals, and even racecars..dang..

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Peddler's Mall Gods Have Blessed Me

Look at this is amazing...I am not a NKOTB fan. I used to have to go to this little chicky's house when I was but a wee thing, and she was ..well..not my type. She forced me to listen to their song about Amanda over and over and over. She said it was about her. I held back my throw up.
I do know the wonderfulness of this thing though. A clock. A babyfaced boy-bander. Glitter stars. Wow. Its on my etsy. I couldn't deny some superfan this piece of work.
Today, I wasn't too bad!
-Cleaned the kitchen
-Hung with my friend, Zachary.
Haha okay, I wasn't so good, but getting out of the house and cleaning should count for

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Oh, For the Love of Lists

I started writing a new post three different times already. Something always jumps in the way. So, lots of things have happened since I last posted. Lots of holidays. Lets do a quick list shall we...

1. I got a beautiful bike for Christmas. It reminds me of vanilla and strawberry ice cream in a pretty sparkly dish.
2. I moved again. Back to my dad's. This is progress! No. It's not.
3. I put all my stuff back in storage, including my beloved bed.
4. I have been sleeping, or should I say not sleeping on a waterbed in the guest room. What the heck? Although, I am a mermaid, I do not enjoy sleeping on a bed filled with water. This chubby little manatee tends to end up in the cracks (as I call them) on the sides.
5. I have been really super sad 10-15 times.
6. I sold my first homemade item to someone I don't know! Very exciting. I miss it, but I believe it has found a good home.
7. I am rolling around the thought of moving to Louisville. Although, this goes against all that I love (the country), I am not doing anything productive at the moment anyway, and my friend B wants me to move in with her.
8. I have not done good things.

So, in the beginning of this blog, I said I was going to be good and all that rot, and well, I haven't been. Now, now, I have come across some obstacles, but it's nothing this apricot shouldn't be able to handle. Well, I couldn't handle it or rather didn't want to, and have been a sad lump who pretends to sleep on a water bed when she should be sewin through the hours and wrapping herself around someone hot and nerdy every night. So damn it, its time to get crackin, dummy. Show your life who is boss. Yeah, you. You big sassafrass.

Oh, and don't get sad about all those craphead boys who punch you in the heart all the time. Be good and the One will show up. You know the One..with the suspenders and his pockets full of magical things. Oh yeah..mmm..that one!
I think I just blogged to myself. Good job.