Monday, February 23, 2009

Falling off the wagon into the realm of a bad sleep schedule

Bah. After all that "I am bein' good!" talk, I have been totally lazy the last two days. Okay, not even lazy, completely exhausted. I tried to stay up all day and all night on Friday to Saturday and well, that totally messed me up worse than ever! I am the reigning queen of fatigue. I tried to sew some this morning but alas...I am missing a lot of fabric. In the moving debacle, big giant boxes of things have been misplaced. Mainly, my favourite fabric box. How can I finish a sassy-quatch without my light brown scraps!? No way , that's how. Dangatude! I want to go back to sleep. I wish it was going to be in my old fort up there. Well, haha not in a dorm room though. Yikes.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


For awhile, I was not being too good, but lately I have been doing much better! I have a strange small feeling of well being, like being on the right track. I haven't made enough things, but I did start some projects and I have been an organizing cleaning demon of sorts, which is important to me. Hah. If you know me, then you know this a battle I have been fight my entire life. Cleaning hangs over me like fifty two daggers ready to stab out my eyeballs. I even like cleaning to a degree, its just I have so much stuff in a very small room..I can't spread it out so I feel like I can't use it. Does that make sense?
Anyhow, back to being good! I have been reading (The Education of Little Tree, loved it) and drawing a good bit! Yay! Woo!
I found that castle at a Goodwill a while back, it was so cheap and its very very cool. I wish I had taken a photo of the side where there is "stained glass window" of a knight with a very cutesy pink dragon and they are pretty lovey! It makes me super happy indeedo.
I am sad to see all the Goodwills around here have no toys or children's books due to the lead debacle. I thought the new rules didn't apply to thrift and consignment...but anyhow, I heard that they are just throwing away all the donations. I would dumpster dive that shit up right but I am afraid. Haha. What a baby. Like I need anymore toys! Oh well, I just don't want them in the garbage! How sad for the dolls and animals, and even racecars..dang..