Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Peddler's Mall Gods Have Blessed Me

Look at this thing...it is amazing...I am not a NKOTB fan. I used to have to go to this little chicky's house when I was but a wee thing, and she was ..well..not my type. She forced me to listen to their song about Amanda over and over and over. She said it was about her. I held back my throw up.
I do know the wonderfulness of this thing though. A clock. A babyfaced boy-bander. Glitter stars. Wow. Its on my etsy. I couldn't deny some superfan this piece of work.
Today, I wasn't too bad!
-Cleaned the kitchen
-Hung with my friend, Zachary.
Haha okay, I wasn't so good, but getting out of the house and cleaning should count for

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